Creating the best jewelry-shopping experience from a long-time buyer's perspective

Our Story


Walking into a beautiful jewelry store in search for some new jewelry pieces. You are seeing quite a handful that may fit your style and you are interested in trying but, at the same time, you feel you are at risk of being titled "an annoying customer" for requesting to look at so many and having someone to take the jewelry out of their beautiful display just to realize it doesn't fit your budget or it simply doesn't work for your look. Therefore, instead, you just reduce your options to a few and pray that one of it fits all of your criteria.

Yes, it is an uncomfortable situation I have been in over and over again.

Opening my own jewelry store, I made sure that same feeling won't be part of the shopping experience. We are 100% transparent with the information about sizing, material and other specifications of each piece and we filmed all the product photos in natural daylight. (Although shooting hours are constantly being limited by the weather and environment), we want to present our products at its natural best. This way, our customers would know what they see is what they get. Out of the fancy displays and LED lights, this is how our jewelry perform and exactly how it looks when you are wearing it.

See-sec-score also offers a mix of standard and limited items. We understand that, with jewelry, there are timeless pieces that capture a certain meaning, mark a special occasion or bring out a specific aura so nicely that they can't be replaced; however, we also see another side to it which we want our jewelry to be a relatively unique and private possession holding intimate messages close to our hearts. Therefore, our mix of items is here to serve different people who seek jewelry for different purposes.

We find jewelry to be the most expressive item that one can wear; its incomparable way of connecting to human emotions, style, temperament, meaning, memory and many more makes jewelry a collective pleasure that always manages to spark joy in our day-to-day.